The insight of “occupational risk” is usually elucidated as the panorama of occurrence of the outcome of threats in any operational situation. These are obvious either as some sort of enduring or impermanent health damages, or abridged bodily and psychological prospective. Coal mining has substantial security threat to its workers for it precarious surroundings and unsafe exercises. Against this backdrop the present study tries to unearth the occupational risks and safety measures along with the causes of accidents at the coal mines of Mahanadi Coal Fields Limited besides measuring its impact on the socio-economic condition of its working communities. The study has been conducted at the Ib valley coalfield region of MCL covering both the mine setting and adjacent four villages. In addition to thirty contractual mine workers (both male and female), identified through purposive sampling method, doctors, field officers, engineer, contractors, welfare officers, and trade union leaders are also interviewed for getting a deeper understanding. The findings of the study conclude in a proficient manner that coal mining activities not only put disadvantageous impact on its workers with its risky working environment but also impede the socio-economic structure of the mining communities.
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