Rajiv Kumar Nanda, Aiswarya Kar


This trial aimed to test the effectiveness of a wearable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device in the management of pain in knee Osteoarthritis (OA) patients. In this RCT, patients with radiographic evidence of knee OA were included. All were given PEMF(Actipatch)  for a period of 6 months. Forty patients were included and thirty seven completed the study. After 6 month, PEMF induced a significant reduction in Numeric Rating Scale ( NRS) pain . Twenty-six per cent of patients in the PEMF group stopped NSAID/analgesic therapy. No adverse events were detected. These results suggest that PEMF therapy is effective for pain management in knee OA patients .Future larger studies, including head-to-head studies comparing PEMF therapy with standard pharmacological approaches in OA, are warranted.


Osteoarthritis, Pain, Magnetotherapy, NSAID.

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