Dr. Anjana Pathak, Dr. Salil Jain, Dr Roshani Verma


Pratiloma of Vata generates many vyadhies like as Ashmari, Mutra-krichchhra, Mutraghata. In developing countries, calculi occur in healthy young persons also. Ashmari is a disease related to mutravah- shrotus in which ashma means stone is formed in urinary system. It is mentioned in Ashta-Mahagada and also a darun-vyadhi. Early diagnosis and early treatment are necessary during Purvarupa stage because it’s difficult to treat in chronic stage. So Veertarvadi-Gana can be screened against, ashmari , sharkara , mutrakrichra, mutraghata.Hence the present article has focussed towards critical analysis of herbal drugs of the above Gana to justify their efficacy and safety in the management of Ashmari on the basis of their action and their other properties.It definitely gives beneficial effects in Ashmari chikitsa


Pratiloma of Vata, Ashmari, Sharkara, Veertarvadi-Gana.

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