The concept of Danta shareer is one of the unique concepts which is explained in the Ayurved Rachana Shareer. Danta (Teeth) are Parthiv structures in the body which are included under the classification of Asthi as Ruchakasthi by Acharya Sushrut. The Danta are considered to be one of the milestones of child growth. The modern science has described the eruption of teeth in a year wise manner. Present review article can be useful to comprehend literal aspect of Danta shareer in Ayurveda as well as modern science. The relevant literature related to topic was critically reviewed from all available literary sources. There is description of Danta and its associated diseases in Ayurved compendia but very less and scattered manner. The pattern of description of Danta in Ayurved has similarity at some places with contemporary science like as in Ayurved four types of Danta are mentioned similarly in modern dentistry they have classified Teeth in four types. However it can be said that concept of dentistry was fully developed and well practiced in ancient Ayurveda.
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