In our classics, acharya’s have mentioned twenty Yonivayapad which attribute as a major cause in affecting the normalcy of the female reproductive tract. In which Paripluta Yonivayapad can be correlated with the pelvic inflammatory disease. The Pelvic inflammatory disease is the disease of upper genital tract. Today’s era pelvic inflammatory disease is rising in an alarming way and its recurrence decreases the fertility rate. If it goes untreated it causes infertility, chronic pain, fallopian tube blockage which leads to ectopic pregnancy likely. Aim: Evaluation of proper management of disease not only to cure but to reduce recurrence rate through Ayurvedic management. Materials and Methods: In this article, a case report of patient age 33 years married since 6 years, nulligravida with c/o lower abdominal pain which aggregates before and during menses since one and half years along with vaginal discharge. Treatment planned was Shodhana Chikitsa through Virechana and Basti, while shamana chikitsa through Pushyanug Churna, Kanchnar Guggul and Chandraprabha Vati and sthanik chikitsa Yonidhavana through Dashmula Kwath. Result: Patient symptoms were reduce, hence it can be stated that pelvic inflammatory diseases can be treated through proper Ayurvedic management.
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