Dr. Vivek Lakhawat, Dr. Anil Sankhla, Dr. Arvind K. Jain



          Hyponatremia is most common electrolyte imbalance in geriatric patients. Determining etiologies of such patients would help in identifying candidates  for future prevention.


          We had studied 50 patients of hyponatremia with altered sensorium in geriatric age group. These patients were evaluated for the underlying cause of hyponatremia and hormones involved in hyponatremia.


           Most common cause was CVA (32%), followed by CHF (30%), diuretics (28%), renal failure  (26%) , hypothyroidism (10%), pneumonia (10% ),  adrenal insufficiency (10%), liver disease (8%) and ICSOL (2%). Among hormones, vasopression was raised in 96% patients, glucocorticoid and minrealocorticoid was diminished in 10% patients and aldosterone was diminished in 6% patients.

DISCUSSION – Hyponatremia is a common problem in hospital more so in critically ill ICU patients. The possible cause of hyponatremia should always be sought as an outcome in severe hyponatremia is governed by etiology and not by serum level of sodium.


Hyponatremia, Cause, Hormone.

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