S. P Gayathre, M. Kudiyarasu, R. Kannan, Manasa A


Primary malignant melanoma of anus is a rare and an aggressive neoplasm that tends to invade locally and metastasize early in the course of the disease. It is often misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids or as one of the benign anorectal disorders, due to the lack of pathognomonic symptoms. Owing to the aggressive nature and delayed diagnosis, the prognosis remains dismal, being less than 20%. Optimal treatment is still controversial with no significant survival advantage and ranges from a less morbid wide local excision to a significantly morbid Abdomino perineal resection. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy are kept in store for more advanced disease. We report a case of a 38 year old male with a mass descending per rectum, misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids and later proved to be advanced malignant melanoma of anal canal.


primary anal melanoma, hemorrhoids, abdominoperineal resection

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