Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the neonates treated for congenital diaphragmatic hernia and to study the prognostic factors affecting the outcome.
Settings and Design: The study was a retrospective study of CDH admitted in our Institute from January 2014 to Dec 2019.
Materials and Methods: All cases of CDH undergoing surgery in our hospital were included. Babies who had eventration of the diaphragm were not included
Results : One hundred and forty cases (68% Males, 54 % inborn, and 75% > 37 weeks) were studied. Mean Birth weight was 2855 ± 570.60 g and mean gestational age was 37.55 ± 1.75 weeks.
The survival rate was 61%. Factors adversely affecting outcome were herniation of liver or stomach (p<0.05), low APGAR score at 5 min (<5), presence of moderate to severe PPHN (p<0.001) , presence of shock (p<0.003),low partial pressure of oxygen, high alveolar – arterial oxygen gradient and high oxygenation index.
Conclusion: Morbidity rates were higher in newborns with low Apgar score, moderate to severe PPHN, need for hi gher ventilatory settings in our institution. Antenatal diagnosis failed to influence the outcome.
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