Mr. Harish P. Ruparelia, Dr. Harish M. Shah


Talent management is a professional term that gained popularity in the late 1990s. Talent management implies
recognizing a person's inherent skills, traits, personality and offering him a matching job. Every person has a unique
talent that suits a particular job profile and any other position will cause discomfort. It is the job of the Management,
particularly the HR Department, to place candidates with prudence and caution. A wrong fit will result in further hiring,
re-training and other wasteful activities. As the leading HR heads of the country point out, the solution is not just about
finding the correct retention mechanisms, but it starts from the very beginning by devising ways to acquire the right
people for the right jobs. The main objective of the present study is to analyze the impacts of talent management on
organizational performance. For this study researcher has selected 200 respondents from public and private sector
banks of Gujarat. The study is mainly based on primary data and it is collected from Questionnaire. The findings of the
study show that there is impact of talent management on performance of selected units and it also shows that the positive
relationships between Organizational performance and Recruiting and Attracting, Compensation and Rewards and
Training and Development.


Talent Management, Organizational Performance, Recruitment and Retention

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