Dr Yukti Panwar, Dr (Major) Varun Choudhary


BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to analyze the current status of frequency and antibiotics susceptibilities of
bacteria associated with orofacial infection.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 100 patients with orofacial infection visited to Dept of Oral Medicine
and Radiology at Kalka Dental College, Meerut. The pus samples were collected by closed syringe technique and
subjected to culture and sensitivity test. The clinical efficacies of antibiotics were analyzed.
RESULTS: The orofacial infection was found polymicrobial in nature. Both aerobic and anaerobic spectrums of
microorganisms were demonstrated. The most common aerobic microorganisms were streptococcus viridians,
staphylococcus aureus and the anaerobics were peptostreptococcus and bacteroids melaninogenicus. The complete
microbial flora of the orofacial infection showed highest percentage of sensitivity to cefotaxime followed by amoxicillin,
penicillin and gentamycin.
CONCLUSION: The results suggested that the primary empirical drug therapy for orofacial infection is recommended
to be amoxicllin, supplemented with metronidazole to take care of anaerobes. Cefotaxime should be reserved as a
second choice of drug if amoxicllin remains ineffective or the infection is rapidly spreading.


orofacial Infection, Aerobes, Anaerobes, Amoxicllin, Cefotaxime, Metronidazole

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