Dr. Hina V. Oza, Dr. Mahesh Chaudhary


Introduction: In recent years, Caesarean section rates are increased and most common indication being fetal distress. Fetal distress basically
occurs due to fetal hypoxemia because of various reasons either maternal or fetal cause. Thus, to know the immediate outcome of baby delivered
through caesarean section, umbilical cord blood pH in cases with abnormal cardiotocography and/or meconium stained liquor has emerged out to
be the best indicator of fetal hypoxemia and to give the prognosis of baby delivered.
Aims and Objectives: To study the relation between fetal distress and umbilical cord blood pH. To study the impact of different cause of fetal
distress on immediate post-partum baby delivered by emergency caesarean section.
Materials and Methods: This study was a Cross-sectional observational study conducted during period from 01.03.2018 to 31.10. 2019 in the
department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, civil hospital Ahmedabad. 100 patients Undergoing Emergency Caesarean Section for Fetal Distress
diagnosed clinically were selected in the Study during the study period. Data was collected as pre-designed pre-tested questionnaire of study
variables. Blood collection was performed following delivery by caesarean section, from immediately isolated segment (10 cm) of cord and sent
for pH analysis via radiometer ABL system 600.
Result: Distribution according to etiology of fetal distress, it was recognized that oligohydramnios pregnancy was maximum (30%) (majority
underwent induction of labour), postdate secured second position (18%). Relation between pH value and cause of fetal distress to the fetal outcome
we found out that, irregular rhythm heart rate babies (12 out 0f 100) had low pH value.i.e. <7.1 with maximum referrals to NICU.
Conclusion: Umbilical cord arterial blood pH as a predictor of intrapartum hypoxia is considerable in determining neonatal outcome. < 7.1 pH is
associated with increased risk of adverse neonatal outcome.

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