Dr. Suman Lata


Teaching is the only profession where everyone has to come for the whole life – sometimes as a kid, an adolescent, a mature student and after that as a parent to repeat the whole process for their children. People think it is very easy profession but the reality is totally deferent.  Only some of people who start their career as a teacher and wants to continue this profession, others get rid of it. All of us know the hardships of teaching profession and the challenges faced by teachers. In the present article the authors has tried to describe few of the challenges that our teachers community is going through and a reflection on teaching profession and teacher education. One of the critical challenge of the twenty first century is to address issues of value-based education in curriculum as well as recognizing the role of teachers as facilitators of changes in curriculum. There should be collaboration between the policy makers and the teaching force to ensure efficient and effective implementation of the policy prescriptions. Any policies that ignore the teachers are likely to fail. All nations of the world are trying their best survival in the race of development and progress and teacher education is being considered as key element for the purpose. Re-orientation of teacher education is essential for the whole society to face the challenges of the 21st century. With the introduction of two year B.Ed. programme, there had been a lot of hue and cry in the Educational Community.  Voices have been raised, protests were made and the two year curriculum had been criticized


Teacher Education, Reflection, Century, Knowledge.

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