Mohd Yusuf, Manish Bajpai, Piyush Saxena, Aquil Ahmad


Aims and Objectives

(i) to determine aerobic power (VO2max) by Treadmill jogging test (ii) to assess of physical fitness in apparently healthy young adults. 


Apparently healthy males (n=125) age (18 to 25 years) were included. Aerobic power (VO2max) was determined following the protocol of Treadmill jogging test. Physical fitness assessment was also done.


The predicted values of VO2max ranged from 40.51 to 51.17 ml/kg/min with mean ± SD 47.20 ± 2.27 ml/kg/min. The VO2max associated Physical fitness assessment scores of the test showed (superior in 0% (n=0) excellent in 68.0% (n=85), good in 28.0% (n=35) and fair in 4.0 % (n=5) amongst the participants.


Treadmill jogging test is an effective and safe method to determine the aerobic power (VO2max) in individual willing to participate in a fitness programme and to follow up the level of fitness in the course of training.


VO2max, Treadmill jogging test, physical fitness.

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