Yatin Gupta, Anshu Makkar, Sheetal Kaul


Takayasu arteritis is  an inflammatory and stenotic disease  of  medium and large sized arteries characterized by  a strong predilection for the  aortic arch and its branches. We present the case of an 18 years old  woman who was referred from dermatology department  with the complaints  of fever  and drug allergy . On routine check up  she  was  found to have  fever  ,  peeling and scaling of palmar  skin  , pedal  edema and  hypotension  and  was managed  initially for  septic shock. Takayasu  arteritis was suspected  on  detailed examination .  A thorough cardiovascular examination   including blood  pressure recording  from the lower limb revealed  hypertension  , feeble upper limb pulses  but  good volume  lower limb pulses  .  Hence the Initial Hypotension in our patient proved to be Pseudo-hypotension. It is  recommended  that in such cases additional ankle pressure measurement should also to done to avoid misdiagnosis regarding  status of the blood pressure.


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