Prof. Mr. Sunil Kumar Awate


Teachers have difficulties managing children’s behavioural problems   Teachers reported under listening talking and counselling as a first option to deal with child behavioural problems An understanding of the emotional development of children is essential, Different components of a healthy personality develop at various periods in the process of growing. As the child passes from infancy to toddler stage, he uses his increasing ability to help himself and to develop his sense of autonomy. The preschool child watches adults and attempt to imitate their behaviour. He develops a sense of initiative controlled by conscience between the age of six and thirteen years the child develops a sense of industry and a desire to engage in task in the real world.5

Teachers have been utilized for school health programs in health status assessment and health education. Since there is considerable shortage of mental health professionals, school teachers can make important contributions in the promotion of mental health of children. The opportunity that teachers have for interpersonal relationship greatly contribute to the mental health of children.16

The research approach used for the study was quantitative approach, design was non experimental, descriptive survey research design, by using non-probability Purposive sampling technique 60 primary school teachers were selected for the study. Structured knowledge questionnaire were used to assess the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding behavioural problem.

The result of the study revealed that 50% of primary school teachers were having poor knowledge, while 41.67% were having average knowledge and 8.33% were having good knowledge.

There was a significant association between knowledge scores regarding behavioural problem with their selected socio-demographic Variables like Age, Gender, Religion, Educational status, Year of experience, Teaching class (Standard) and Source of information. The calculated Chi-square values were higher than tabulated value.


Identify, Knowledge, Primary school teachers, School children, Behavioral problem, Information booklet

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