Dr Shikha Suman, Dr Neha Gupta, Dr Promod Kumar Rathode, Dr Prashant Tyagi, Dr Anil Kumar


Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between obesity and periodontitis.

Materials and Methods: A total of 200 subjects aged between 20- 60 years were recruited from Department of Periodontics, shree bankey bihari dental College and Hospital, ghaziabad. Periodontal status of the subjects was recorded. Body mass index were used as measure to assess obesity. Other variables like age, gender, were also recorded.

Results: When evaluation was done for prevalence of periodontal disease according to BMI in obese and non-obese, The result obtained showed that out of 200 patient in the distribution of pocket depth and clinical attachment loss who are non obese were 106 out of which only 30 patient (28.3%)were affected by periodontal disease as compared to 94 obese patient out of which 70 patient(74.4%) were affected by periodontal disease.

Conclusion: The prevalence of periodontal disease is higher among obese subjects. Obesity could be a potential risk factor for periodontal disease in all age groups.


BMI; Obesity; periodontitis; Periodontal parameters.

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Lalit Kumar Mathur, BalajiManohar, Rajesh Shankarapillai, DharaPandya,Obesity and periodontitis: A clinicalStudy.journal of indian society of periodontology.2011;15(3):240-244

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Lalit Kumar Mathur, Balaji Manohar, Rajesh Shankarapillai, DharaPandya,Obesity and periodontitis: A clinical Study.journal of indian society of periodontology.2011;15(3):240-244


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