M. Lipika


The purpose of this paper is to review the current clinical uses of platelet- rich plasma (PRP) in the field of Reproductive Medicine .All relevant articles published from January 2000 to December 2019 were reviewed and analysed.The article on PRP in field of Reproductive Medicine were mainly case series, pilot studies , or case reports .PRP is currently considered a new therapeutic modality for some disorders that are refractory to conventional drugs .

The pilot study was to elevate the effectiveness of intrauterine infusion platelet- rich plasma (PRP) in infertile women undergoing frozen embryo transfer cycles with suboptimal endometrium. Material & methods- Instillation of autologous PRP was done in 20 women between 24 & 38 years over 8 months ,with suboptimal endometrial growth , patients with repeated cycle cancellations in addition to Estradiol valerate . Frozen embryo transfer was performed when the endometrium reached an optimal pattern in term of thickness, appearance & vascularity. Results- The mean pre- PRP endometrial thickness(ET) was 5mm which significantly increased to 7mm post-PRP.There was a significant increase in vascularity ,seen by the number of vascular signals seen on Power Doppler , reaching the zones  3 & 4 of endometrium .The positive beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) rate was 70.58%& the clinical pregnancy rate was 58.82%.A total of 2 women are in the second trimester , 8 are in the first trimester with a healthy intrauterine pregnancy , one patient had an ectopic  gestation, , and one had a biochemical pregnancy .

Conclusion: This study suggest that the use of autologous PRP holds promise in treatment of women with suboptimal ET and vascularity in embryo transfer, It would help to reduce the incidence of cycle cancellations and thus even help reduce  the financial & psychological burden of repeated cancelled cycles .


platelet rich plasma, reproductive medicine, thin endometrium

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