Adil Raza


Introduction-Giardiasis has a global distribution, common in both children and adults and transmitted via the fecal-oral route through direct or indirect ingestion of cysts..Giardia has been included in the "neglected diseases initiative" by the World Health Organization. Objective-In this article, we have evaluated the Giardiasis control method and effective treatment. Material and Method-The most common prescription drugs prescribed for giardiasis are metronidazole, tinidazole, and nitazoxanide. The medicine will kill off the protozoan organism. A selection of drugs are available to treat infections with Giardia in humans. Conclusions-Our understanding of the pathogenesis of infections with Giardia has improved and we are a little closer to being able to say why clinical disease occurs in some individuals but may not be apparent in others. In this regard, such interventions will require the cooperation of government agencies to improve basic infrastructure in disadvantaged communities.


GIARDIASIS, World Health Organization, treatment.

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