Dr Dhruv R Patel, Dr Jigna D. Dave


TITLE : A study to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding diagnosis and management of tuberculosis among post graduate students of government medical college, Bhavnagar.
BACKGROUND: A high level of awareness of tuberculosis is very important for prevention and control in the community.
OBJECTIVES: Study was conducted to assess the knowledge of post graduate students of Government medical college, Bhavnagar.
STUDY DESIGN: Observational study
METHOD: This study used a self-reported questionnaire based on the RNTCP technical and operational guidelines. 155 post graduate students were recruited. The survey was done from august 2018 to July 2019.
RESULTS: Out of 155 students, 85 (55%) students have good and 70 (45%) students, have poor knowledge regarding symptoms, diagnosis, and management of TB. Poor knowledge for TB with HIV, pregnancy and TB in new born baby. 10 (6%) knew about DR-TB. Good attitude for isolation in MDR TB patients, importance of breast feeding to infants of sputum positive mother, 89(57%) have attitude that isoniazid resistance would developed after IPT. 103(67%) no use streptomycin in pregnancy with tuberculosis, 93(60%)start ATT in pleural effusion if ADA normal, 85(55%)use fixed drug combination for DS-TB, 68 (44%) practice with shorter MDR regimen.
More than half of the students included in this study having good knowledge, attitude and practice regarding diagnosis and management of pulmonary Tuberculosis. Students have poor knowledge regarding pulmonary tuberculosis in PLHA patients and in pregnancy. They have poor practice on extra-pulmonary TB management, recent advances of RNTCP and PMDT guidelines.


Tuberculosis, KAP, post graduate students.

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