Dr. D. Sheela, Rishinath S P


Introduction : Migraine, a common neurological disorder characterised by throbbing pain or pulsating sensation usually
on one side of the head. Common symptoms that occur during the episode includes visual disturbance, nausea and
photophobia. ] Migraine may progress with four stages like prodrome, aura, headache and post –drome. Migraine became the fourth leading
cause to visit the emergency department and accounting to 3.1 % of all emergency visits from 2009-2010.Therefore, the present study was
carried to identify the rational use of drugs in management and prevention of acute and chronic migraine.
Objectives: The aim of the study is the drug prescription pattern of migraine management
Materials and method: The present study is a prospective, cross sectional and observational study carried in the outpatient Department of
Neurology in collaboration with the department of neurology.it is a prospective study.
Result: About 624 patients who attended the outpatient department of Neurology with proper inclusion criteria were included as subjects for the
study. Out of 624 patients, 336 were female and 288 were male patients. Average age of female patients was 37 years, male patients was 39 years
and average age of the population attending the outpatient department of Neurology was 44 years.
Discussion and Conclusion: the commonest complaint which with patients come to OPD with headache. the study with female population of
53% and male is 57%. The most common precipitants in this study were travel (78.02%), tension, hunger/ skipped meal/ fasting, insomnia,
depression etc. Triptans are consider as first line therapy of moderate to severe attack or mild to moderate attack. The drug flunarizine is most
used drug for patients for almost 224. because of its less side effects and easily available calcium channel blocker. Migraine is commonly
increasing now a days, people affected are more likely to be male. The medications that are mostly prescribed are NSIAD'S and flunarizine
because of its easier availability.


Migraine, NSAID's, Neurology Department Volume-9 | Issue-11 | November - 2019 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar Drugs used No of times drugs prescribed Diclofenac 132 14 INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH Rishinath SP* 2nd Year MBBS, Save

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