Dr. R. Mala, Dr. Velmuruganath


It is proven in previous human studies that 5 µg dexmedetomidine can be used to produce more analgesic effect when used as an adjuvant with hyperbaric bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia. Also it is known to produce less side effects. Besides production of lesser duration of motor blockade. In aim of prolonging the duration of block in order to manage postoperative pain intrathecal adjuvants has gained more point of interest in recent years. Prolonging the duration of block increases the success rates, increases patient satisfaction in turn, decreases utilization of other resources, faster recovery can be gained, when compared with general anesthetics. Various drug related characteristics have also been assessed which included time to onset of sensory block, in terms of minutes, which was recorded to be 8.3±2.8 in group A and 8.6±1.5 in group B. time to onset of motor block was recorded to be 9.8±3.6 in group A and 9.0±3.0 in group B. time taken to reach maximum sensory level was recorded as 9.5±3.0 for group A and 9.6±2.9 for group B. duration of sensory motor block was observed to be 117.0±21.8 in group A and 119.5±22.7 in group B. duration of motor block was reported to be 198.7±26.4 in group A and 196.0±26.8 in group B. duration of spinal anesthesia was observed to be 242.3±54.2 in group A and 235.5±38.3 in group B as given in table 3.


Anesthesia, Bupivacaine, Intrathecal, Anesthesia, Adjuvant Therapy, Dexmedetomidine.

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