Mumpy Panor, Prof. Elizabeth Hangsing


The Higher Secondary Education is considered to the one of the most challengeling and crucial stage for the student because most of the students are in the stage of transitional phase and addition to that they have to face lot of burden related to the academic and other challenges. This sometimes develops stress in them especially in the field of education in the form of educational stress. This study aims to determine the stress level of the students belonging to the stage of higher secondary level of education. A total sample of 400 students was taken from both government and private schools of East Siang district. The data was collected through using standardized question -The Student Stress Scale (SSS) developed by Dr. Zaki Akhtar (2011). The male students were found to have higher stress than females and had significant difference between the government and private school.


Higher Secondary Education, Educational Stress, Male and Female, Government and Private Schools

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