Dr. A. Subramanyamu


This paper unfolds the various definitions of ethics will be stated a brief account of the ethics an emphasis on traditional
ethical problems. It discusses factors that influence ethical decision making a global setting. In the major components of
the global ethical management process will be discussed. The ethical considerations in relation to business activities are
affected by ethical dilemmas. Global ethics is moral reflection on the ends and means of societal and global change.
There is a distinction between social insiders and outsiders arguing that in global ethics that are advantages and
disadvantages. Global ethicists should cultivate a mixture of insiders and outsiders perspectives, beginning and ending
in their own groups. But the learning from and benefitting others has to be cultivated in the process. Global and regional
progress is closely interrelated. Universalists and ethno-centrists must coverage to think and act globally, nationally,
regionally and locally. Global ethics is a guideline for companies in their worldwide operations in fact how to behave
ethically, is not as clear as it is desired. Here, ethics involves standards about what is right and what is wrong. In a global
setting, it is not as easy as it seems to decide what is right and what is wrong. Actually, it is the social responsibility of a firm
which comes to a debate. In this conclusion, the issue of global development as to be viewed from not as growth in narrow
sense of material expansion of well-being, but as the qualitative enrichment of human beings in all relevant aspects of
human life.

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Aristotle, Politics Book I, Chapter 2.

J.S Mackenzie, Manual of Ethics, Chapter - I, iv.

G.E More, Principia Ethica, Chapter - I, iv


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