Dr. R. Sridevi, Dr. Thilagam


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : To determine the proportion of women accepting immediate postplacental insertion and the
factors like obstetric code, sociodemographic factors. To determine rates of pelvic infection, lost strings, expulsion and
displacement among acceptors.
MATERIALS AND METHODS : this study was a prospective Observational study conducted in Institute of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology from October 2017 – September 2018. About 250 women were selected according to inclusion criteria
and Acceptability and awareness of PPIUCD use in these women were assessed.
RESULTS : We observed High acceptance rates in 21-30 years age group, lower SES groups, Chennai residents,
secondary level educated group, primigravidae, last child birth interval of 2-3 years group. Complication rates were low
<10%. Major complications were bleeding and expulsion. Bleeding higher in LSCS group while expulsion higher in
Labour natural group. PPIUCD had High retention rates after 6 months(97%).



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