Dr. Cesar Vasconez, Dra. Amparo Suarez, Dr. Lenin Andaluz, Dra. Daniela Cárdenas, Dr. Cesar Guadalupe, Dra. Grace Palacios, Mr. Hernán Espín, Dra. Leslie Estrella, Dr. Pablo Llerena, Dr. Klever Quisintuña, Dra. Liz Sanchez, Dra. Gabriela Monroy, Dra. Valeria Moya


Psychosocial risk factors are intrinsic to all labor, hence the importance to assess them. There are multiple proven tools to achieve this, however, due to the inherent nature of psychosocial risk factors, establishing a standardized assessment protocol is complex. In this study we appraise the presence of psychosocial risk factors at the IARE CP Institute in Quito, Ecuador in 2019, by applying the short version of the ISTAS 21 CoPsoQ questionnaire and the  “Cuestionario de Evaluación de Riesgos Psicosociales del Ministerio de trabajo del Ecuador” questionnaire.

The application of the “Cuestionario de Evaluación de Riesgos Psicosociales del Ministerio de Trabajo del Ecuador” yielded a total low risk for psychosocial risk factors of 79% and a total intermediate risk of 21%. There was a trend towards an unfavorable global exposure of 50%, intermediate global exposure of 17% and favorable global exposure of 33% with the application of the ISTAS 21 questionnaire.

We conclude that a direct comparison between both tools is not possible due to differences in dimensions and scoring system. They may be used to complement one another.


Psychosocial risk factors, dimensions, ISTAS 21, Cuestionario de Evaluación de Riesgos Psicosociales del Ministerio de Trabajo del Ecuador

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