Dr. Dharmendra Kumar


Aim : To study the effect of delayed surgery after clinical observation in patient with doubtful diagnosis of acute appendicitis I form of reducing negative appendectomy rate and the incidence of complication.

Material and Method: 100 patients, who were operated for appendicitis between January 2017 to March 2019, were included in this retrospective study. These patients were divided into two groups based on timing of surgery after admission. These patients were divided into two groups based on timing of surgery after admission. These two groups were studied in respect to age, sex. Alvarado score at time fo admission. Ultrasound findings, operative findings. Histopathology and postoperative complication. Proportions of negative appendectomies and complicated appendicitis were analysed statistically.

ResultĀ  : Normal appendectomy were significantly less (P<0.05) in group B(1 out of 35). The number of complicated appendicitis were higher in group A (13/65) as compared to group B(4/35) but not significant (P>0.06) Post operative complication was also high in group A. Conclusion : From this retrospective study it is clear that in cases with doubtful initial diagnosis of appendicitis. It is better to wait and these patients need to be continuously monitored clinically to prevent complication


Appendicitis, Delayed Surgery

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