Gayatridevi Pushkar, Dr. Rohini Sivabalan


The effect of Brahmi was studied on antioxidant activity since, impaired antioxidant activity is considered as key factor for neurodegenerative diseases. Brahmi is one of the reputed medicinal plant of the Ayurveda used as a nerve tonic since time immemorial. The effect of Brahmiwas assessed on catalase and reduced glutathione(GSH). There was significant increase in the activity of catalase and reduced glutathione (GSH) on treatment with Brahmi. The results suggest that Brahmi exhibits significant antioxidant effect and helps in reducing oxidative stress. The antioxidant activity, indirectly helps in cognition and this may be facilitating memory enhanching effect of Brahmi. Furthermore, the present study clearly indicates that the Brahmihas a significant potential as a natural antioxidant agent.  



Brain;Antioxidants; Oxidative Stress; Antioxidant Catalase, Reduced glutathione, Brahmi.

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