This study comprising of 100 cases was done between 2017 and 2018 at Katuri Medical College & hospital,
chinakondrupadu. The study group consisted of 94 female and 6 male patients.
This study was chosen, as 50-55% of women suffer from breast related disorders during their life time, and exclusion of
serious pathology of the breast after evaluation, has a major reassuring effect on the patient.
The objectives were to study the benign breast diseases with regard to demographic factors and its clinical presentations
and to evaluate it clinically ,by FNAC and histopathology to increase the accuracy of diagnosis.A prospective study of
patients attending surgical OPD and also admitted to surgical wards with breast disorders was done.
Patients predominantly presented with fibroadenoma and fibrocystic disease. Cases of gynecomastia, cyclical
mastalgia and breast abscesses were also encountered. Most of the patients underwent FNAC and a few of them had
mammograms done.
Treatment was mostly surgical in the form of excision, subcutaneous mastectomy, microdocotomy and incision and
drainage. All the specimens were subjected to histopathological examination. Using clinical diagnosis,FNAC
andhistopathology increased the accuracy of diagnosis. Cases of fibroadenosis and cyclical mastalgia were treated
conservatively with drugs.
In conclusion, benign breast diseases that fairly prevalent with fibroadenoma and fibrocystic disease comprising most
of the cases. Patients who were anxious about their breast disease had much relief after it was proved benign.
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