Dr. Smrity Rupa Borah Dutta, Dr. Taba Nitin


Background: Epistaxis or nose bleed is one of the most common Otorhinological emergencies we face today during our clinical practice which becomes life threatening in cases of severe bleeding. With this study we have determined the relationship between the occurrence of idiopathic epistaxis and the 3 atmospheric parameters i.e. atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure.

Materials and methods: A one year (August 2017 to July 2018) prospective observational study was done correlating atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure and the incidences of idiopathic epistaxis in patients visiting Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Silchar Medical College and Hospital, Assam, India. We obtained data regarding sex, age, location during presentation and associated factors. Only those patients without any known cause of epistaxis were included in this study. The exclusion criteria were patients with obvious causes for epistaxis, patients with trauma, coagulopathies, tumours and systemic causes.  The climate data were obtained from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). The statistical analysis of the correlation between atmospheric parameter values and incidences of epistaxis was obtained through the Pearson's correlation coefficient, by establishing a value of “r”.

Results: Idiopathic epistaxis is common in the fourth decade of life. There is slight male preponderance. The frequency of idiopathic epistaxis is higher during the colder months.

Conclusion: Meteorological factors play an important role in the etiopathogenesis of idiopathic epistaxis and should be considered a risk factor. Improved protection and proper humidification during the colder season could lead to a reduction in the incidence of idiopathic epistaxis.


epistaxis, atmospheric parameters, season, correlation, temperature, humidity, pressure, climate

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