Dr. Ismail M Haji, Dr. Safdar Aftab A, Dr Shaheen B., Dr Abdul Rehman


Background: In ICU patients with ischemic stroke one of the common reasons for their mortality is found to be Hyperglycemia. Diabetes Mellitus itself is a risk factor that can initiate & propagate vascular events in conjunction with atherosclerosis in Ischemic stroke. The aim of this study was to evaluate relationship between admission blood sugar and HbA1c with mortality in patients with Ischemic stroke over a period of 28 days.


Materials & Methods:

This is a retrospective study where data was collected from medical records of 50 diabetic patients admitted to ICU with ischemic stroke dated from April 2019 to September 2019.

Patients were further categorized depending upon their duration of stay in the hospital with cut-off of 10 days; Furthermore, a cut-off of “28 days- mortality” was taken into consideration.

Patients, who were already diagnosed with diabetes and who got admitted in medical ICU were taken as study subjects.



Mortality was significantly higher in patients with higher admission blood sugar values of more than 250mg/dl & lower when value was below 150mg/dl. It was noted that the survivors (72%) had their mean admission blood sugar values close to 260mg/dl whereas non-survivors (28%) mean admission blood sugar level was found to be 343mg/dl. It was also noted that patients with good glycemic control (HbA1C < 8) had better chances for survival. The survivors (72%) had mean HbA1c level of 9.06 and non-survivors (28%) had mean HbA1c level of 10.67. Both the mean values being so close to each other with difference of just 1% further emphasizes the fact that with each 1% increase in HbA1C the mortality risk rises by 10 fold.


A significant association was confirmed between admission blood sugar levels & mortality in diabetic patients with Ischemic stroke. Furthermore, this association was found to be affected by HbA1c i.e. chronic glycemic status.


ISCHEMIC STROKE, mortality, Hyperglycemia, Diabetes

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