Dr. Pilli Siva Jyothi, Dr. M. Vijayasree, Dr. Sravanthi



The uterus is a hormone responsive reproductive organ that supports bladder and bowel. It has essential features throughout a woman’s life. Hysterectomy being the surgical removal of all (or) part of uterus is most common surgery performed by gynaecologists next to caesarean section. Although enormous advances have occurred in medical management of number of causes, hysterectomy continues to have its place in its definitiveness. Various approaches have been tried by gynaecologists including TAH and NDVH.

Aims and Objectives:

To compare TAH v/s NDVH in terms of blood loss, intra operative complications, post operative complications and duration of hospital stay.

Materials and Methodology:

It was retrospective study done in department of obstetrics and gynaecology at Mamata General Hospital, Khammam from 2018-2019.

Demographic and other relevant data was collected from previous records and analysed.


A minimum of 25 patients are included in each group

  • Group A – TAH

           Group B – NDVH


From the data obtained, there are no significant difference in demographic characteristics, indication of surgery in both groups. Intraoperative complications were noted in 8% of patients undergoing NDVH whereas in 20%  of patients undergoing TAH. Post-operative complications were noted in 52% and 26% in patients undergoing TAH and NDVH respectively. Duration of hospital stay is less than 5 days in 48% of patients undergoing TAH whereas it is 6% for patients who undergoing NDVH.


The present study concludes that patients requiring hysterectomy in cases of benign non-prolapsed cases, vaginal route is offered preferably which has quicker recovery, shorter hospitalisation, intra operative and postoperative morbidity.


Abdominal hysterectomy, Non descent vaginal hysterectomy.

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