Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism resulting from insulin deficiency or abnormality in the production of insulin.History of cardiovascular diseases ,Hypertension ,obesity, Physical inactivity Family history,smoking,alcohol,Polycystic ovarian syndrome are some of the risk factors. The theme for world diabetes day 2019 is “Family and Diabetes”
Objectives: To study the factors associated and clinical features in diabetes .
Methodology: Study design was Case Control Study.Study period was from November 2019 to January 2020.Study was done at Rural Health and Training centre Navipet District nizamabad Telangana,INDIA. Inclusion criteria taken were diabetics and non diabetics includes both male and female population.Descriptive statistics & Chi-Square test were used as statistical tests .Data was entered into MS Excel version 2016 and analysis was done by using SPSS trial version 16.0.IEC clearencewas obtained prior to study.
Results: MEAN waist circumference in the DIABETIC population is 92.0cms Majority of the cases has a risk factors like alcohol, smoking, obesity and they are suffering from paresthesia and poor wound healing. Those who ate junk foods have odds of 3.1. Eating fruits is protecting from diabetes (Odds 0.27) There is no association between gender and diabetes.
Conclusion: Mean Waist Circumference in Diabetic Population is high and there is association between occupation, family history and wound healing with Diabetes.Keywords
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