Dr. Raghunandan Meena, Dr. Khushala Ram Choudhary


Background -SUA level is found to be associated with cardiovascular disease and DM. SUA role is controversial in stroke
and need to be elucidated further.
Aim- To determine the importance of SUA as a prognostic factor in AIS patients.
Methods- A prospective study carried out over one year, including 72 cases of AIS. SUA levels were done on Day 1 and
Day 4 and were statistically analyzed.
Results- 26.39% of stroke patients had SUA ≥ 7 mg/dl. In AIS, hyperuricemia had statistically significant association with
hypertension and CAD with a p value of 0.02 and 0.044 respectively. Difference in mean MRS score at day one and day
four in two groups having SUA level <7 and ≥ 7mg/dl was not significant at day one (p=0.119) but it was found significant
at day four (p=0.022) indicating poor improvement or prognosis among hyperuricemic group.
Conclusions- SUA can be used for risk stratification and as an indicator of poor prognosis in acute ischemic stroke.


AIS, SUA, mRS score

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