Paul Alwin Khoman, Riza Rivany, Yostoto B Kaban


Ovarian tumors are neoplasms derived from ovarian tissue To date, malignant ovarian tumors are treated with adjuvant
chemotherapy. Several studies have reported glicoprotein such as Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)
have important roles as a marker for clinical response to chemotherapy and disease prognosis.
This is a comparative analytic study using samples from ovarian tissue obtained from April 2018 to September 2018. Data
were analyzed by calculating kappa values and relationships between variables using the Chi-square statistical test. P
values less than 0.05 were considered significant with 95% CIs.
NGAL expression increased significantly in grade I epithelial ovarian tumors (15 patients ;78,9%). The majority of
patients with ALLRED score (+) were found in malignant epithelial ovarian tumors (19 patients; 73,1%) and ALLRED
score (-) were most common in benign epithelial ovarian tumors.


Ovarian Tumor, Malignant Ovarian Cancer, NGAL Expression, ALLRED.

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