The plant tissue culture methods also provide base for the improvement of crop to induce somaclonal variations, In Vitro
mutations, genetic transformation of medicinally important genes and development of somatic hybrids plant
regeneration protocol is required. Embryo genic callus induction and plant let proliferation of Solanum nigrum
Venkateshwarlu M (2017). Shoot regeneration better than other cytokinins (Hussain et al 2007). Phyto chemical analysis
of Solanum Surattense young leaves evauated for the presence of bioactive compounds using various polarity solvents
petroleum (Venkateshwarlu et al 2018). The present study established reliable and reproducible protocol for rapid
multiple shoot induction from node explants of Citrullas Valgaris, using different concentration and combination of
cytokinins. Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 0.5 to NAA 2.0 mg/1 BAP was found to be optimum
to induce shoots directly from the stem node explants. Since very scarce information is available about micro
propagation of this important medicinal plant, an attempt was made to develop a reproducible protocol for multiple
shoot induction form stem node explants of one the tissue culture. Several workers in past have micro propogated some
of the important Asclepiadaceae members such as Cerogia bibosa (Britto et al., 2003), holostemma adakodien (Martin,
2002-2003). Significant increase in the number of shoots per explants was found ion M.S. medium supplemented with
NAA, BAP and 14 mg/l adenine sulphate . All the tested combinations have little effect on increasing the number of
shoots. Nodal explants derived shoot cultures were sub cultured to M.S. medium fortified with same concentration of
hormone for shoot elongation. The percentage of explants exhibiting shoot induction was found to be between 50-60 i.
Most of the concentrations of Benzyl amino purine tested except M.S medium supplemented with 0.5-2.0 mg/l benzyl
amino purine. Stem segments are used as important explants for genetic transformation system, described in many
plants species (Rastogia and Dwivedi, 2006)
Full Text:
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