Dr. Ankitkumar Bagdai, Dr. Nehalkumar Sisodiya, Dr. Priyanka B. Bagdai


Introduction: Abscesses of the liver are due to an infection of bacterial, parasitic or fungal origin. Throughl imaging and serology, their diagnosis
was facilitated. The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and evolutionary aspects of these liver abscesses at
the Department of general surgery in this Hospital.
Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive study, based on records of patients hospitalized for abscess of the liver over a
period of 3 years, from May 1, 2015 to June , 2018.
Results: We collected 60 cases of abscesses including 36 cases of confirmed amoebic abscesses and 15 cases of pyogenic abscesses. The mean age
of the patients was 43.15 ± 15.12 years. There were 54 men and 6 women. The average hospital stay was 10 days. The most common clinical signs
were abdominal pain (100%), fever (75%), hepatomegaly (80%). A leukocytosis greater than 12,000 cell/mm3 was found in 39 patients. The
amoebic serology was positive in 71% of cases and negative in 29% of cases. No germ was isolated from the blood culture. On hepatic ultrasound
the abscess was unique in 90%. Treatment was exclusively medical in 33 patients (55%). The trend was favorable in 85% of cases.
Conclusion: The incidence of liver abscesses has slightly decreased. It is important to develop diagnostic tools better in the case of pyogenic


Amoebic Liver Abscess, Pyogenic Abscess,

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