Dr. Madhusudan Kummari, Dr. Amaresh Rao Mallampatti, Dr Ravi Kumar K


OBJECTIVE: To review the clinical profile, surgical outcomes and factors influencing the outcomes in patients undergoing tracheal surgery.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective and prospective collection of data was done from Hospital records to analyse the Predictors of
early morbidty in patients undergoing tracheal surgeries.
RESULTS: Out of a total of 20 patients tracheal stenosis was present in 10 (50%) , tracheo-esophageal fistula in 6 (30%) and primary tracheal
tumors in 4(20%) . Out of the 20 patients, tracheal resection and anastomosis was done in 15 (75%), subglottic resection in 3 (15%) and
supracarinal resection in 2(10%). The mortality in our study was 15% (3 patients).
CONCLUSION: The most common cause of tracheal obstruction is postintubation/tracheostomy. Subglottic resections are associated with high
postoperative morbidity.

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