Dr.Yash Bafna, Dr. Priya Mishra, Dr. Harsh Mistry, Dr. Shoba Fernandes, Dr. Jayasudha Kalgudi, Dr. Hetal Patel


Aim;- To examine Pedodontists attitudes towards professional behaviour on social media. The secondary aim is to establish the extent and nature
of social media use and exposure.
Method:- Online questionnaire link was sent on WhatsApp to all the Pedodontists on the list . It consists of 15 closed end questions related to use of
social media and its influence in Clinical Decision Making. Reminder message were sent.
Results:- A total of 41.3% Pedodontists responded. It showed majority of Pedodontist used more than one platform. Facebook was most commonly
used platform (74.2%). 95.2% Pedodontist heard of term Evidence Based Dentistry Social Media is also used as marketing tool by Professionals.
Conclusion:- Majority participants experienced positive influence of social media on their professional work. Number of social platform used was
used by Pedodontists for Upgrading themselves.


Social Media ;evidence Based Dentistry; Social Media Platforms.

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