Dr Sujata Jayant Khatal


Background: To define the profile of type 2 diabetes mellitus population from rural area of Pune, Maharashtra, at Khatal Hospital, Bhigwan. Objective: Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide. To determine the complications in diabetic patients through their clinical and biochemical profile. Material and Methods: We evaluated 102 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus. (62 Males & 40 Females), in age group of 40 to 70 yrs attending opd of Khatal Hospital, Bhigwan, Pune, Maharashtra. Patients who were already diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes were included in the study. Patients were interviewed and assessed for duration of diabetes, type of therapy, complications due to diabetes. Results: The study included 102 patients; mean age was 56.16 ± 9.41. The mean duration of diabetes was 5.60 ± 5.87 years. The majority of them were obese with mean BMI of 26.95 ± 3.64 and mean WHR of 0.93 ± 0.06. The glycemic control was not good according to standard guidelines with mean Hba1c of 8.12 ± 1.63, mean Blood Sugar Fasting 147.27 ± 55.05 and mean Post Prandial sugar of 233.97 ± 86.22. Majority of them were on OHAS 92 (90.19 %) & only few 10 (9.8%) were on insulin. The presence of microvascular complications was much higher than macrovascular complications. Hypertension was present in 60 subjects (58.8%), retinopathy was present in 20 (19.6%) subjects, followed by neuropathy in 18 (17.6%), 13 (12.7%) were having CAD, Nephropathy in 7 (6.9%) and least observed complication was CVE 2 (2%). Discussion and Conclusions: This study showed that majority of subjects had poor glycemic control .Central obesity was present in studied group. Most of the subjects were asymptomatic, proving Diabetes as silent killer. Microvascular complications were more prevalent as compare to macrovascular complications. The most prevalent form of dyslipidemia in diabetic subjects was low high density lipoproteins and high triglycerides in both males and females, as compare to high low density lipoproteins and high total cholesterol in western population.


Type 2 Diabetes, microvascular complications, dyslipidemia

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Rajeev Chawala

Diabetes is Vasculopathy : Not Lone Endocrinopathy Medicine Update 2016 Volume 1

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