Alpana Singh, Sugandha Dev, B D Banerjee


Objective : Assessment of maternal serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor in threatened abortion cases
with and without sub-chorionic hematoma.
Materials and Methods: 3 ml of peripheral blood sample was collected from each case. The plasma was separated and quantification of VEGF and
PlGF was done using ELISA kits.
Results: The VEGF levels were 24.90 ± 16.16 pg/ml if sub-chorionic hematoma was present and the levels were 31.29 ± 9.59 pg/ml in the absence of
hematoma. Hence the VEGF level was significantly decreased in the presence of sub-chorionic hematoma. Whereas the PlGF value was 281.76 ± 57.95
pg/ml in the presence of sub-chorionic hematoma and the value was 257.46 ± 71.01 pg/ml in the absence of hematoma with the p-value 0.29.


Threatened abortion, VEGF, PlGF, SCH

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