Saleem D. Makandar, Pradeep A. Bapna, Tarang Tyagi


Objective: To describe a traditional technique that helps the clinician on designing spacing closure with ideal width proportions, dimension of both
the side of the arch kept in balance to avoid undue Unesthetic zone at cervical to contact point.
Materials and Methods: The dimensions of the each tooth measured snd the spacing present in the area between upper incisors measured using
digital calliper, to perform and achieve ideal dimensions of teeth maintaining the proportions.
Results: The use artistic work and direct manipulation of composite on teeth give the clinician sufficiently save the time and achieve adequate
smile within single visit.
Conclusions: The use of a traditional and more artistic method of direct manipulation of composites on the teeth helps in achieving the successful
smile and adequate aesthetic appearance of patient. Can bee achieved desired aesthetic with single visit without much consuming time of patient
and operators. The most in important aspect is you should have sufficient knowledge of smile design and proportion of teeth. The challenges lies
in the technique of shade selection and manipulation of composite on to the tooth surface. novel silicone index technique allowed for ensuring the
same width for both upper central incisors in a midline diastema closure, improving gingival tissue's health.
Clinical Significance: The main difficulties regarding diastema closure are related to reaching an appropriate width proportion of the incisors and
avoiding a ledge at the gingival aspect of the contact area.


Diastema, Spacing between Incisors, Diastema closure, Direct Composite Restorations, Traditional Smile Design.

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