Dr. Alpesh R. Vora, Dr. Vyoma Trivedi


Urinary Tract Infections are Second most common Infectious complain in Outpatient Primary Care Clinics. It has been estimated that UTI accounts for 7million hospital visits per year. An association between UTI and Diabetics was first noticed in Autopsy series in 1940. Many Autopsy Studies have shown an increased prevalence of UTI in Diabetics. Poor circulation in Diabetics, Dysfunctional bladder and poor ability of WBC to fight against infection causes UTI. Women are about two to three times more likely to have bacteria in the bladder compared to male. Risk of infections spreading upward is also common in Diabetics. Therefore, improved control of Glycemia in Diabetics may help in controlling UTI.

The Objectives of Study were:

  1. To Assess Status of Glycemic control in Diabetic patients
  2. To Study Impact of Glycemic control on Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Diabetic patients.
  3. To identify Common Isolates in Urine Culture of Diabetic patients.
  4. To Identify Common Antibiotic sensitive to treat Urinary Tract Infection in Diabetic patients.


GLYCEMIC CONTROL, Urinary Tract Infections, Dysfunctional bladder

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