Dr. Raghu Raghav Agarwal, Dr, Rajesh Kumar Thakur, Dr. Manvi Agarwal, Dr. Ellora Madan, Dr. Vaibhav Tandon, Dr. Swati Agarwal, Dr. Kanchan Chaukiyal


Purpose: Relationship between periodontal health and general health has been established in a number of studies. However, the level of awareness of periodontal concepts and knowledge among general medical practitioners and its relationship with general health among general practitioners remains an unexplored area.

Methods: A total of 1000 general medical practitioners of Moradabad were included in the assessment. Level of awareness of periodontal disease and treatment concepts was assessed and graded as good, fair and poor. Fifteen questions related to association of periodontal disease with general health were enquired and associated with grade of awareness regarding periodontal disease and treatment concepts.

Results: 93.7% had fair and 5.8% had good knowledge about periodontal disease, 94.2% had fair and 3.6% had good knowledge about concepts of treatment. Out of 15 items assessed, on 8, correct responses was obtained from <50% respondents. Knowledge about periodontal disease and treatment concepts was significantly associated with awareness regarding periodontal disease and general health.

Conclusions: Good to fair knowledge about periodontal disease and periodontal treatment concepts was present in majority of medical practitioners. Level of knowledge of periodontal disease and its treatment concepts was significantly associated with awareness regarding periodontal disease and general health.


General medical practitioners, Periodontal disease, Periodontal treatment concepts, Periodontal disease and general health.

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