Nikita Rajendra Jagtap, G. D. Vishnu Vardhan


Background:  Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways causing airflow Limitation. There are various breathing exercises to improve ventilation. The Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT) helps to decrease the number and severity of attacks as well as improvement in lung function. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of BBT on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) in bronchial asthma.


Methodology: 20 participants with age group 40-70 years were selected. The BBT continued twice daily for 4 weeks. PEFR was assessed before and after intervention by Peak expiratory flow meter. The results were analysed using the student’s paired ‘t’ test.


Result:  The mean of PEFR value was 103±33.888 pre intervention and 141.5±49.340 post intervention and showed significant improvement in PEFR in 4 weeks.


Conclusion:  The study concluded that BBT significantly increases PEFR  4 weeks and decrease the severity of asthma attacks.


Buteyko breathing, asthma, peak expiratory flow

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