Dr. Shatakshi B. Bartere, Dr. Anant A. Heda, Dr. Narendra U. Manwar, Dr. Yogesh Tandil, Dr. Neelam Rahul, Dr. Deepashri Tekam


The successful endodontic treatment of depends on ability to negotiate the canal to its apical terminus, thorough debridement or disinfection and obturation of the prepared canal space. In situations such as Calcific Metamorphosis, calcific deposits block the access to the canal, and falls under difficult category cases. One should have the thorough knowledge about such anatomical and pathological variations so that the complications can be avoided. Present case reports endodontic management of maxillary right central incisor with calcific metamorphosis with previously failed endodontic treatment having separated root canal instrument and canal perforation. Even though there was separated instrument and perforation site, the proper management increases the prognosis of the tooth.


Calcific metamorphosis, instrument retrieval, perforation repair, MTA

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