Dr. Neha Shyamkul, Dr. Usha Shenoy, Dr. Sujoy Banerjee, Dr. Ananya Hazarey, Dr. Himija Karia, Dr. Pritam Khorgade, Dr. Sangeeta Bhattarcharya


Since Class III malocclusion is progressive in nature, the facial growth of Class III malocclusion worsens with age. It is characterized by a deficient maxilla, retrognathic mandible, or a combination of both. The early orthopedic treatment of Class III malocclusions allows accomplishment of successful results, providing facial balance, modifying the maxillofacial growth and development, and in many instances, preventing a future surgical treatment by increasing the stability. The major problem with extraoral anchorage has been of patient compliance due to its physical appearance. This case report presents an intraoral Tandem Traction Bow Appliance for maxillary protraction that has been used clinically to achieve successful results without relying much on patient co-operation. Skeletal change was primarily a result of anterior movement of the maxilla.


malocclusion, maxilla, orthopedic

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