Dr. Kritika Bansal, Er. Tenish Kansal


Introduction: Safe drinking water, sanitation and good hygiene are fundamental to health, survival, growth and development. Water quantity is as
important as water quality. Much of ill-health which affects humanity, especially in the developing countries can be attributed to lack of safe and
wholesome water supply. 2.6 billion people have gained access to an improved drinking-water source since 1990. 663 million people rely on
unimproved sources, including 159 million dependent on surface water. Globally, in 2015 at least 1.8 billion people use a drinking-water source
contaminated with feces.
Aims & Objective: To study knowledge and practice regarding quality of drinking water.
Material and Methods: It was cross sectional study and study area was the field practice area of the department of Community Medicine, Sri Guru
Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar. Residents who were willing to participate in study and present were included in the
Results: Majority of participants were female and Sikh by religion. Most of the participants knew that water has no smell, taste and color and
maximum participants had knowledge regarding usage of safe drinking water


Drinking water, Sanitation, Knowledge, Hygiene

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