Dr. S. Nirangjhana, Dr. N. Shuba


Background: Obesity is a major component of metabolic syndrome that accentuates the inflammatory and oxidative stress in diabetic peripheral
neuropathy (DPN). Based on the Asian Indian BMI standards, the prevalence of overweight is on the rise in India.
Aim: To compare the sensory nerve conduction parameters such as latency, amplitude and nerve conduction velocity in the median, ulnar and sural
nerves between overweight and obese DPN patients.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Neurology with 80 type 2 DPN patients with Body mass
index (BMI) > 23 Kg/m2. Sensory nerve conduction studies were performed. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Except for sural nerve, the nerve conduction studies in other nerves did not show a statistical significant difference between overweight
and obesity.
Conclusion: Overweight affects sensory nerve conduction study in diabetic peripheral neuropathy similar to obesity.


Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Overweight, BMI

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