Dr. Jyothi Vybhavi V. S


The older population is at a high risk of Vitamin-D deficiency due to decreased cutaneous synthesis and dietary intake of Vitamin-D. Although recent studies have investigated the influence of Vitamin-D on sleep patterns, there is a lack of research on the relationship between Vitamin-D and sleep patterns in elderly population. Hence there is a need to evaluate whether Vitamin-D deficiency affects sleep quality in the elderly. Objectives: A.                To assess Serum 25(OH) Vitamin-D in the elderly. B.           To assess Sleep Quality in the elderly with different levels of Vitamin-D. Material & Methods: This study involved 80 healthy elderly subjects with consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Written informed consent was taken. For each subject, fasting blood sample of 4ml was collected for Serum 25(OH) Vitamin-D assessment. Anthropometric measurements were taken. 24-hour dietary recall, General History Questionnaire using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were administered and quality of sleep was evaluated. Results were compiled and statistically analyzed. Results: A comparison of Serum Vitamin-D levels and PSQI components showed that the mean scores for subjective sleep duration, sleep latency, and sleep quality were significantly higher in the Vitamin-D deficient participants, indicating that the Vitamin-D deficient participants had poorer sleep quality. Conclusion: A significant correlation was found between Serum Vitamin-D deficiency and poor sleep quality. Based on the results of this study, sleep disorder management for elderly can be improved by providing regular examinations checking their Serum Vitamin-D levels and supplementing Vitamin-D to the elderly to enhance their quality of sleep.



Vitamin-D, Sleep quality

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