An open root apex, especially Blunder buss canals are challenging situation during endodontic treatment of a tooth. In such cases a hard calcific apical barrier is required, to prevent the over obturation and leakage of the obturating materials periapically. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate is widely accepted in endodontics for its various advantages including its use as an apical plug in apexification procedures. Orthograde placement of MTA is a challenging procedure in terms of length control and apical displacement of the plug or extrusion may occur sometimes. This case report is based on the retreatment of over obturated immature maxillary central incisor with gutta percha and sealer for ten years at some private clinic. This tooth was taken for retreatment. Accidental apical extrusion of MTA occurred during obturation of the same teeth with guttaflow, this article includes the follow of the same case patient was asymptomatic even after 2 years.
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